LETTER: GSB’s election debate had great participation

In response to the Feb. 22 editorial, “GSB election lacking competition, competence,” I wanted to provide clarification and some context. First, I wanted to mention the success of the debate that the Government of the Student Body Election Commission held Tuesday night in the Maintenance Shop.

One of the Daily Editorial Board members, who was present at the M-Shop, referred to the debate as the best debate he or she has seen in his or her four years at Iowa State. Quality discussion was high, the number of topics covered was large and the level of audience participation was great – the GSB debate, by these standards, was a success.

I am proud of the commission and the level of work and effort that was demonstrated. It is extremely unfortunate the Daily fails to recognize the progress that has been made and the success that the commission has achieved.

I take full responsibility for the errors that I have committed. I should have done a better job of disseminating information about seminars. I attempted to remedy the situation by providing 16 more seminars than required – that’s five times more seminars than last year and equivalent to the total number of seminars that were held in the past five years combined. I acknowledge the issue.

I want reassure the student body, despite the small issues, the integrity of the election is preserved, progress is being made and success thus far has been achieved.

I hope to see everyone at the polls March 3 to 6. Go Cyclones!

Mansoor Khadir

Election Commissioner

Government of the Student Body