CD REVIEW: Good Clean Fun

Good Clean Fun

“Between Christian Rock and a Hard Place” (Equal Vision)

Compare to: 7 Seconds, Crucial Youth, Gorilla Biscuits

REVIEW: 4.5 / 5

In short: Romance-ravaged emo scensters, trust fund punk rockers and “Christian hardcore” militants be warned, Good Clean Fun is back to put you in your place.

When Good Clean Fun called it quits in 2001, hardcore was left vulnerable like Gotham City without its beloved Caped Crusader, and look what happened.

The Christians moved in, social and political awareness became passe, labels became subsidiaries, the Warped Tour became a “show” and one in five of these new wave hardcore kids didn’t know what D.I.Y. was.

Much liked the famed Native American who shed a tear upon witnessing the white man’s decimation of Mother Earth, the old school inspired, positive-minded DC quintet couldn’t bear to see its beloved scene skewed further towards hell than it had already become.

Miracles do happen. They’re back.

“Between Christian Rock and a Hard Place” is a 12 track commentary on the miserable state of both the American hardcore and political scene.

Much like Jake and Elwood Blues before them, GCF is on a mission to save the scene they once commanded, the only difference being out to challenge God, not work in cahoots.

Sure, the music isn’t ground breaking, but that’s its strong suit.

This is hardcore done right, fast, loud, urgent, fun and honest.

It exists to bring justice to all vegans, straight edges, liberals and atheists who were once proud to call themselves down for the core.

– Dante Sacomani