“Get to know…” Kyle Rippey, Jimmy John’s bicycle delivery guy

Shannon Sanders

Whether you’re a late-night snack person or just love the subs, Jimmy John’s has the reputation of catering to students’ “gourmet sandwich” needs by offering “subs so fast you’ll freak.” Pulse caught a Jimmy John’s bike delivery guy on the run to see what the job is really like.

Shannon Sanders: How long have you been working for and delivering for Jimmy John’s, and how much do you make?

Kyle Rippey: Nine months; $6 an hour plus tips.

SS: What do you expect for tips? What’s the best and worst tip you’ve ever received?

KR: The tips vary from night to night; usually you get $1 to $2 per sandwich.

The best tip I ever got was $25. The worst – a weird girl offered me her panties. I said no.

SS: There have got to be some other weird moments like that. What is the most awkward moment you’ve had delivering?

KR: A girl came to the door wearing a very small towel, and once in the store I was on the phone [and] a drunk guy came up and tried to kiss me.

SS: How do you deal with the crazy amount of drunk people ordering sandwiches?

KR: Yes, if you work weekends, you have to be prepared to yell a lot.

There are a lot of stupid and funny things that happen in the store right after all the bars close.

SS: What was your funniest delivery moment?

KR: The front tire of my bike got stuck in a hole and I fell in front of a bunch of people. They all laughed at me. One person ran up, poked me and then ran away.

SS: Do you feel like you get a workout when you deliver on the bike?

KR: If I feel winded I try to slow down. I don’t want to be too healthy and in shape.

SS: How often do you get hit on?

KR: Never – working at Jimmy John’s makes me smell like onions.

SS: What are the easiest and hardest places to deliver to?

KR: The tanning place next door [is the easiest] – it is two steps away.

As far as the hardest, I always get the frats and sororities mixed up.

SS: Where do you deliver most?

KR: Maple-Willow-Larch

SS: What is the most common sandwich? What’s your favorite?

KR: “Turkey Tom,” no sprouts [is the most common] but my favorite is the “Club Lulu.”

SS: Basically, the job in a nutshell?

KR: It is hard to hear people on the phone, especially when it is late at night and busy. Everybody around you is yelling and the person on the phone is slurring. It is fun to be able to bike around for your job, especially at night. Many college students don’t have a lot of cash, so they offer you things other than money for tips – it makes for an interesting night.