LETTER: GSB accomplished projects, initiatives
February 7, 2006
Recently, there has been some question as to what the Government of the Student Body has been working on. As chief of staff, I oversee the projects and committees for the executive cabinet. There are many significant projects and initiatives that have been accomplished and that are currently being pursued, and I would like to outline them.
First, there were many projects and events last semester that were coordinated by members of cabinet. After Hurricane Katrina, GSB worked with the Red Cross to raise more than $26,000, and sponsored I-KARE, which sent two semitrailers of food and supplies to victims. In October, GSB coordinated the Global Citizenship Symposium with the Student Activities Center. The symposium was a leadership opportunity available to all students. Also last semester, GSB played an integral part in the National Summit on Preventing Civil Disturbances, Race Against Racism, FACES, the YMCA Halloween and countless other community events.
Currently, the cabinet is focusing on more projects and opportunities for students. The Housing Guide, Pick-A-Prof, cultural center and strategic planning process are currently underway. GSB week in late February will provide students with an opportunity to talk with all senators, cabinet members and supreme court justices. In March, elections will give students the opportunity to choose their representatives from each college and living area, as well as president and vice president.
After receiving feedback from student, community and GSB surveys, the strategic planning committee is currently focusing on the goals, responsibilities and future for GSB. Student input is always desired and will be used extensively to shape the focus of GSB goals for the coming years.
GSB works hard to accurately represent students. If you would like more information on GSB activities and opportunities, go to www.gsb.iastate.edu and get more information, find out who your senators are and e-mail any member of GSB.
Go Cyclones!
Emily Jensen
Chief of Staff
Government of the Student Body