City Council axes funding rail study

Karl Peterson

The Ames City Council passed the first read that would establish a Student Affairs Commission during Tuesday’s council meeting.

The Student Affairs Commission would set up a committee to serve as an advisory to the City Council regarding matters that concern ISU students.

The committee will include campus student leaders such as the Government of the Student Body president, representatives of student living groups and the International Student Council president.

Also, as part of their yearly budget wrap-up, council members discussed funding for the Dinkey feasibility study. Support for funding was sparse, and the city portion of the study funding was denied from the 2006-07 city budget Capital Improvement Plan.

City Council member Riad G. Mahayni argued that a study was not necessary, pointing out that “ridership numbers for the existing route that covers the area already exist.”

Ex-officio student liaison Tony Borich pointed out that student circulator traffic could also be alleviated by the construction of the Dinkey light rail system.

The purpose of this study is to verify and explore the very questions [being asked],” he said.