ISU alumnus rules the ring

Cody Saveraid

Brian Dunn used to spend weekends in Ames dining at Cazador, 3605 Lincoln Way, and getting tattoos at The Asylum, 111 Welch Ave., while earning his master’s degree in education. Now as the evil Brian Ash, he spends his weekends taking on competitors in the Des Moines-based 3XWrestling promotion.

Currently in his seventh month as 3XWrestling World Heavyweight champion, Dunn is preparing himself for this weekend’s Gauntlet for the Gold event, in which he’ll be taking on his good friend Big Dog Barber, the 3XWrestling North American champion, in a title-unification match. Also on the card is a 20-man battle royal, with the winner earning a shot at the World Championship at a future event.

The 6-foot-3-inch, 250-pound “bad guy” sat down with Pulse to tell us about his wrestling career, his time at Iowa State and the upcoming event.


What: 3XWrestling’s “Gauntlet for the Gold”

When: Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. Bell time is 6 p.m.

Where: $1Dollar Fitness Center, 4771 N.W. 2nd St., Des Moines

Cost: First row: $15

Second to fourth rows: $12

All other seating: $10

For more information, visit




Cody Saveraid: How long have you been a wrestling fan?

Brian Dunn: Since I was a kid. I used to watch Georgia Championship Wrestling on TBS. My favorite wrestlers growing up were Hulk Hogan – I loved Hulk Hogan – and Sting. I was actually one of those kids that liked the good guys and hated the bad guys.

CS: When did you decide to start training to become a wrestler?

BD: I started training in August of 1999 and my first professional match was in December of 1999. I saw an ad for Dory Funk’s wrestling school online, so I went down to his training camp in Florida.

CS: So you were more of a casual fan before you started wrestling?

BD: I’d still say I’m a casual fan. I watch pretty regularly, but I don’t feel like I miss something in life if I don’t see something. I remember that Wrestlemania 3 was Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage and that Wrestlemania 10 had Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart – you know, great matches like that – but if you just name a Wrestlemania, I can’t name the opening match.

CS: What are some of the struggles you face being a wrestler?

BD: You know, it’s the same things all the big names complain about, just on a smaller scale. You’re spending a lot of time on the road away from home on the weekends. You’re not out there cleaning the garage and raking the leaves like you should be because you’re driving 10 hours to wrestle. You also have to deal with the aches, pains and injuries we get from what we do. Over the past year, I’ve actually cut down on how much I wrestle. I don’t wrestle outside of Iowa much anymore.

CS: Why is that? Did you get married?

BD: Actually, I got divorced. Wrestling was a lot of the reason for that, too, because there was a lot of times that I wasn’t around, so that was tough on the relationship. It also was getting more expensive, and I was losing money because I was spending more on gas than I was making on the show.

CS: When you’re not beating people up in the ring, what’s your day job?

BD: I’m a health improvement coordinator for Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I help people improve how they exercise.

CS: What did you think of Iowa State when you were here?

BD: I liked Iowa State a lot. It was a little intimidating when I first started going to school there because the campus is so much bigger than UNI, where I got my undergraduate degree. During my first year, I lived in Buchanan and most of my classes were in Lagomarcino, and on the first day it was intimidating to look at the map and see all that green between both buildings. I was president of Buchanan Hall that year.

CS: You were hall president?

BD: Yeah, they usually had elections the year before, but there was some controversy over the prior year’s election, so they had a new election in the fall and I won.

CS: You have a tattoo, don’t you?

BD: Yeah, a couple of them. I have a UNI panther paw – it’s kind of my girlie tattoo – on my right ankle. I also have a . I don’t know what you call it . a mix of black, on my right shoulder.

CS: You’re the head trainer of the new 3XW wrestling school. What are your goals for the school?

BD: I’d just like to turn out guys that are good technical wrestlers. I want the guys that come out of the 3XW school to be known for having a good attitude, as well as being good wrestlers.

CS: Who do you think will win the 20-man battle royal at Gauntlet for the Gold?

BD: There’s a lot of good, talented guys in there. I think it will come down to Gage Octane or Egotistico Fantastico.

CS: What are your thoughts on having to take on your good friend Big Dog Barber in a title unification match at “Gauntlet for the Gold?”

BD: It’s odd. It’s weird that they would put me up against my friend. I’m sure he thinks he’s going to take my title from me, but I’m going to come out on top. I’m sure he’s a bit upset with me for pinning him in the four-way elimination match at “New Year’s Revenge” last month.

CS: Do you enjoy being a heel (bad guy) more than a face (good guy)?

BD:Yeah, I definitely do. It’s easier to get the fans to hate you than it is to make them like you, and it’s more fun.

CS: Why have you been 3XW World Heavyweight champion for so long?

BD: Because I’m good. I’m the best and no one’s going to be able to defeat me.