A look into administrators’ lives

Tom Vance

The Daily took time to sit down with Wendy Wintersteen, dean for the College of Agriculture and Jack Payne, vice provost for extension, to catch a glimpse of what they do on a day-to-day basis. Payne started his work as vice provost Jan. 15 and Wintersteen began working as dean on a permanent basis Jan. 1.

Iowa State is also pursuing a new Dean of Students, following the appointment of Pete Englin as director for the Department of Residence on July 1. Sharon McGuire, former director for the Academic Success Center, has served the position on an interim basis. The Dean of Students search committee is holding open forums Tuesday through Jan. 26 in the Memorial Union.

Interview with interim Dean of Students: SHARON MCGUIRE

Interview with Dean of Agriculture: WENDY WINTERSTEEN

Interview with Vice Provost for Extension: JACK PAYNE