GSB executives provide spring semester outlook

Joe Augustin

Although numerous items on the agenda are likely to keep the Government of the Student Body busy this semester, the leaders of the student government are optimistic about finishing what they have started.

GSB President Angela Groh said one major initiative that is being undertaken by GSB is the creation of a strategic planning process. Implementing this planning process would be a way for GSB members to get feedback from students about their performance, what they need to improve on and what types of issues need to be focused on.

“There has never been an official process in talking to everyone at once,” she said.

Groh, a senior in political science, said she hopes the process provides a framework for future student governments so it can continue to serve the student body to the best of its abilities.

She added that GSB would be issuing surveys to the student body and community members to help get the process rolling.

She said that GSB will be involved with organizational issues tied to Veishea, continuing to improve city-student relations by attempting to establish a student affairs commission and attempting to establish a cultural center in the Memorial Union.

Performing in its main capacity, GSB will also help delegate student money to student clubs and organizations, she said.

Four informational sessions regarding regular allocations, all held in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union, are scheduled to begin Tuesday.

In order for organizations to receive money for the fall of 2006, representatives need to attend one of these sessions.

“In the past, misunderstanding [rules and by-laws has] been a problem,” said Jason Carroll, GSB finance director. “This is an opportunity to clarify.”

Carroll, senior in civil engineering, said he expects the budget for this year’s regular allocations to be similar to last year’s.

Chris Deal, GSB vice-president, said now that his first semester as an executive is over, he has survived through the “learning curve” and is excited about his endeavors this semester.