Geoffroy outlines goals for issues at Iowa State

Jared Taylor

ISU President Gregory Geoffroy took some time from his day to discuss his goals for the semester and other pressing campus issues.

Recruiting and retaining faculty

“[ISU needs] a strong, continued focus on increasing the excellence of our faculty and the excellence of our university. You do that by recruiting faculty members and by recruiting good academic leaders.”

Whether the Iowa General Assembly will approve the Board of Regents’ requested 4 percent tuition increase

“I think it is likely that what was approved in December is going to be the tuition next fall. Of course, a lot of that depends on what happens in the legislative session, but that would be my prediction.”

Retaining and creating in-state jobs for ISU graduates

“Ultimately, the most important thing that can be done is increase the richness of jobs available in Iowa for graduates.”

Maintaining the university’s regular alcohol policy during Veishea

“Overall, I think that is a very, very small component of whether Veishea is successful or not. I think it is important, though, because it is a signal that, in many ways, the university administration has confidence in students who would normally be affected by that policy.”

Differences between Veishea 2004 and this spring’s festival

“The student leaders who are putting together Veishea are working through a whole lot of programming issues. For instance, there is going to be a whole lot more involvement in the residence system. There is going to be much richer entertainment options for all students.”

On the potential privatization of ISU Dining

“There is a committee that is going to study in detail every one of those proposals. It is likely they will interview the firm and even make some site visits, and what will happen is that committee will analyze those bids and generate a recommendation from them.”

Whether he will favor ISU Dining over the private bidders

“I have to take a completely unbiased approach, because I am the eventual decision point. It will be important for me to get good advice and recommendations from the committee.”

On student debt levels

“Many students come to Iowa State from families that don’t have a lot of resources. Those debts are real and the funds have to be paid back. On the other hand, when you consider the importance of investing in a four-year college degree and finding a lifelong career, it is one of the best investments you can make.”