I am more than a narrative


Nicolas De La Cruz

My name is Nicolas De la Cruz, a latinx male, who like many of my latinx people have come from an early life of obstacles that we had to overcome.

I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by more and more inspiring and motivating set of people. Through the help of my friends and family, I have been able to overcome those obstacles, and am in the path to graduating with my Bachelors of Science in Software Engineering.

Within the last year, I was given a chance to help the latinx community by sharing these hardships that I have endured and how I overcame them with people, and that is what I will continue to do, to help [others].

I help the latinx community because I am a proud member of the community, and I believe there a lot of misconceptions and simply false information about our community. I want to help give my community the chances I was given and help them reach their goals.

I am involved in helping the latinx community because I believe we cannot sit down and wait for change, we have to take action into our own hands.

I do not see myself as a “leader”, because a leader is someone who in one form or another commands a group, and I am not one to give someone commands. I would say I am a human being, like everyone else, but I like to share my life experiences and have talks with people of all backgrounds and all personal life philosophies. Through those conversations, we can brainstorm a plan together so everyone has a chance to express their opinion.

My family and friends are my biggest drives to overcome anything. They have sacrificed too much to help me reach where I am today to let them down.

I do not care if people remember my name, who I am, or what I look like. I just want people to remember that we are all humans wanting to live the best life we can, reach the goals we set, so give a hand to those around you because we never know when we will need a hand to get ourselves back up.

To me, inclusivity is the opportunity available to those who want to reach the certain position or location. There should always be a realistic passage to get to where you want.

I am more than a narrative.

I am more than a narrative.