LOMBARDI: The changing face of Pulse and Highnote for the new semester

Hi, my name is Rob and I’m probably not as exciting as the crossword puzzle. Well, we’re looking to change that – the Pulse section, that is. As editor positions change hands this semester, we’re trying to remain progressive and, most importantly, entertaining.

A revamped Highnote is for starters. We’ll try our best to make it the definitive guide to the weekend, highlighting movies, concerts, drink specials and almost every other facet of weekend life. Our intent is to make it more mainstream and appealing to the average student – not a forum for scene hipsters.

With the changing face of Highnote, we’re also taking Pulse in a new and different direction. We’re eager to make it a section dedicated not only to arts and entertainment but also one focused on features that deliver in-depth information on topics affecting students. This isn’t to say Pulse will be pages full of text to decipher – we have ADD as much as everyone else. We’re looking to have an information breakdown with every heavily-involved article: charts, sidebars, illustrations and anything else that’s pleasing to the eye during your dull lecture.

Although I’d like to lie to you and say everything coming from Pulse is like a well-oiled machine, in actuality it’s more like a machine that stays until late into the night and might be suffering from severe carpal tunnel. Both myself and assistant editor Dan McClanahan are new to this, so while we work out the kinks with our newfound positions, we ask you to bear with us.

With this said, I encourage you to let me know what it is you’d like to see.

Do you absolutely despise movie reviews?

Want to see more stories on The OC?

Are you double-jointed?

It doesn’t matter, just give me a piece of your mind and how you think we can improve by dropping me an e-mail at [email protected]. Unless you’re sending me mail about adding 60 percent girth to my penis or investing in your European bank account, I’m already listening.


– Rob Lombardi is a sophomore in pre-advertising from Dubuque. He is the Daily Pulse Editor.