New SUB Director anticipates spring semester films

Jill Blackledge

What does the Student Union Board Films group do?

There’s two organizations on campus: Free Friday Flicks and SUB. Free Friday Flicks shows Hollywood films, basically from the previous year. SUB shows mainstream films maybe people wouldn’t see, and films that are really excellent but don’t get seen. We’re not afraid to bring in independent or artsy films.

How do you choose the films you’ll show?

We’ve already chosen the lineup for next spring. I work with the SUB Film Committee and come up with a list based on things we’ve heard about and what we’ve seen. There are eight or nine of us that work together, and we throw out suggestions. Then, the SUB Film Director looks at it and makes cuts based on the budget, because we have to pay the distributors, calendar [problems] and feasibility [issues].

Are there any other criteria films should meet?

Movies that are usually less well-known we tend to give a chance to – the less famous ones. A lot of the time, we haven’t seen any of the films on the list, but usually there is at least one person on the committee who has seen a film. It comes down to other factors, too.

How much does it cost to bring the films to campus?

The cost varies based on the distributor, but it’s anywhere from $200 to $500. We’re not making any money because we’re showing it for free, and we still have to pay the massive distributing costs.

What are you going to do with SUB Films?

The last director did a good job, but I think we could do more publicity and different kinds of publicity. We need to have good word-of-mouth advertising and reputation. I’m hoping we can bring in even more independent and artsy films, too.

What is your experience with film?

I’ve always just liked films ever since I was a little kid and I used to go rent a lot of them. In high school, I was in film club, and now in college, there are lots more opportunities to study film. I’ve taken several classes and Honors seminars. I’ve taken English 335, [Film]; audited English 237, [Survey of Film History]; [English 315], screenwriting; and I will be in English 453, [Seminar in Film], which is a senior-level seminar.

What are your favorite films?

I actually suggested one of my favorite films for SUB for next semester. I like “Once Upon a Time in the West,” “Unforgiven,” “Dr. Strangelove,” “2001: A Space Odyssey” [and] Akira Kurosawa’s “Rashomon.” It’s not a great film, but I also like “Rushmore” because it’s understated, and “Blade Runner,” too.

Who are your favorite directors?

Akira Kurosawa, Sergio Leone, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Robert Altman and John Carpenter.

Do you plan to continue with film?

I don’t know. Not really, because I’m not into writing or directing. I just enjoy thinking, watching and critically evaluating them.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

The gold is buried in the grave marked “unknown” next to Arch Stanton.

Click her to check out the calendar of free films