Glitz and glamour: Sons of the Republic

Dan Mcclanahan

If Sons of the Republic had to be described using one word, that word would mostly likely be “fun.” The mostly-local band is composed of musicians from some of Ames’ most prolific local acts, including 38th Parallel and Sweet Afton. Opening for William Elliott Whitmore on Saturday at the M-Shop, the band took some time out from their hectic touring schedule to talk about their life of glitz and glamour.

Where are you from?

Ames and Minneapolis.

Band members and instruments:

N. Rippke – Vocals

S. Liboon – Guitar

Wh’es Furman – Guitar

D. Powers – “Drumma”

T. Ternes – Bass

C. Saldanha – Hammond B3 (organ)

Why do you play music?

Well, I wouldn’t consider what we do to be “music.” Integrity aside, this is solely a vanity project.

What five albums do you think everyone should hear?

“Soviet Reunion” by The Envy Corps

“Turn the Tides” by 38th Parallel

“Eighteen Months” by Closer

“Balding Astonished Frog With 5 O’Clock Shadow . HU-UU-UUH” by Sweet Afton

“MySpace Records Vol.1” compilation album

What do you think of popular music today?

We love it. It’s effing magic. Where most people say they don’t listen to the radio anymore, some of us listen only to the radio.

What’s your biggest accomplishment?

That anyone takes us seriously. There are so many hardworking younger bands who’d kill to be in the Daily. Us? We must be the laziest “band” there ever was. And somehow, we get attention.

What makes your music unique?

It’s hardly unique. It’s really not even our music. It’s completely derivative. But I guess that’s the point.