Staff members give the scoop on upcoming Maintenance Shop shows

Steven Satterlee

Willy Porter

8 p.m. Friday Jan. 27

$14 students, $17 public

“I think Willy Porter is going to be an excellent show. He is awesome with crowds and he has the ability to relate directly to the crowd and just kind of knock your socks off with the way he performs. He’s going to be terrific. Every time he’s performed at the M-Shop he’s sold out.”

The Undertow Orchestra

Monday Feb. 20

Time & Price TBA

“The Undertow Orchestra is David Bazan, Vic Chesnutt, Mark Eitzel and Will Johnson. It’s a special tour that they’re doing to come together. They’re all singer-songwriters, but to put them together on the same stage I think is going to be just awesome. I don’t think that you can beat that. They’re only playing a few dates across the country and we happen to be able to get them.”

Allen Lundgren

Andrew Bird

8 p.m. Thursday Feb. 16

$12 students, $15 public

“I was really excited about getting Andrew Bird back again, because his last album, ‘The Mysterious Production of Eggs’ is just amazing and he’s playing venue sizes that are three or four sizes the times of us – he’s been easily filling them out. He’s probably one of the best performers I’ve seen at the M-Shop, too.”


8 p.m. Tuesday April 4, $15 students, $18 public

“They’ve really established themselves as one of the best in the slowcore movement and I think it’s going to be an incredible show. We really shouldn’t be able to get them in this size of room of 200 people because they opened for Radiohead and they’ve done just huge shows.”

Eric Hutchison

William Elliot


9 p.m. Saturday Jan. 21

$8 students, $10 public

“I think people should come to see William Elliot Whitmore again, because he’s just amazing. It’s just him and a banjo and a guitar and he will leave you just speechless. He came in October and I was floored at how amazing, how powerful he is.”


8 p.m. Tuesday Jan. 31

$12 students, $15 public

“This show will just be amazing because it’s just two – Leslie Feist and Jason Collett, who’s from Broken Social Scene. It’s such a good indie rock lineup that kids should not miss this show at all.”