HIGHNOTE: Attack of Them vs. Them

Rachel Brown

A traveler named Ig says seeing his band live is like nothing else you would ever see in this world.

“I know every band says, ‘you have to see us live,’ but really, you have to see us live,” he says.

Ig, organist and keyboardist of Them vs. Them, formed the band last summer after a chance encounter – not of the third kind – with guitarist Casey Kannenberg.

“My volume pedal broke and I had to go to a guitar shop, where I met Casey and was able to hear him play,” Ig says.

Teaming up with drummer Bish from his other band, Oh My God, Ig found he was onto something. In numerous bands since the age of 13, Ig sees being in more than one band as an asset, the key to making a good band great and giving the music perspective. All they needed to make Them vs. Them complete was another life form.


Who: Them vs. Them

Where: M-Shop

When: Friday 9 p.m.

Cost: $6 students, $8 public

Ig was introduced to lead vocalist JAQ through Kannenberg, and says he thought he would have a great voice to add to the music he wanted to perform. What the band explains as “vocals that take you from Elvis Costello to Rod Stewart to Fugazi to the Beastie Boys and back again,” JAQ was the find Ig was looking for. JAQ, however, says he didn’t always have such enthusiastic support in his abilities.

“When I was a kid I tried to join an all-boys choir, but they told me I couldn’t sing,” JAQ says.

But JAQ didn’t let that bring him down. He was addicted to music when was he four years old and began playing the piano, and says headphones were permanently attached to his ears. JAQ began playing drums, but says his love was in producing and making bands. He says he likes to be kept busy with all of his jobs, and that is what keeps his life fresh and fun.

JAQ says that is why he jumped at the chance to add Them vs. Them to his list of jobs, saying that signing to a label was always a dream of his.

Them vs. Them have recorded 16 tracks which Ig describes with words such as a “spazzy,” “jittery,” “dancey” and “punkish.” With those songs, they have been on tour looking for a label to sign with.

“We’re not like some bands that just play two shows a week in their own town. No one wants to hear the same music over and over,” Ig says.

Both JAQ and Ig say touring is one of their favorite things to do, but have a few glaring issues.

“Touring is so simple. You have no plans. All you have to do is get to the spot, rock the show and move on,” JAQ says.

The monotony for JAQ is worth it, however, because he wants to blow people away with his music which he calls “Friday night, get ready to go” music.

“I want people sweaty, I want their legs to hurt from erupting in crazy dancing and I want them to see this hyper band with a hyper front man,” JAQ says.