Stallions Versus Unicorns forsakes fortune for fun

Dan Mcclanahan

Des Moines has spawned a new breed of band that seems to be relentlessly pursuing the right to have fun. Claiming not to care about fame or fortune, Stallions Versus Unicorns is all about creative enjoyment. The band will be playing a $6 show Wednesday at the House of Bricks in Des Moines. Here’s what vocalist and guitarist Justin Meyer has to say about the band:

Dan McClanahan: The band, who’s in it?

Justin Meyer: Justin “Danger’s My Middle Name” Meyer: Vocals and guitar Bradford “Stone Cold 3:16” Johnson: Vocals and guitar Andy “Now Who’s The Sociopath?” Miesner: Bass and vocals

Justin “The” Davey: Drums

DM: How did you guys come about?

JM: Near the beginning of time – during the days of love warriors and scepter wielding, an epic life was begotten. This life was white with passion and as pure as a peasant’s intentions. In the midst of evil and corruption, Stallions Versus Unicorns was birthed from a beautiful Colombian sunrise. One soul. Four hearts. The testimony of everything chivalrous. SVU slices, with a white-hot blade, through the dysfunction of society with Gabriellic force.


DM: What five albums do you think everybody should listen to?


Meyer’s recommendation: “The Everglow” by Mae

Johnson’s recommendation: “Enema of the State” by Blink-182

Miesner’s recommendation: “Breach” by The Wallflowers

Davey’s recommendation: “A Rush of Blood to the Head” by Coldplay

DM: What makes you guys unique?

JM: Let’s make it simple. Unlike other local bands, we don’t have ambitions beyond Des Moines. We don’t have plans to make money. We write mediocre music and we’re fun live.

DM: Why the heck should people come see your show?

JM: Why are rock bands trying to soar with eagles when rocks are on the ground? Let’s just say we keep that naughty audience grounded, which is a motherly way of saying “we rock.”

DM: Describe what you sound like.

JM: Simple. A Nick Lachey music video. A magnificent sunrise, filled with sparkling justice. A spanking new Desert Eagle, glistening with reflections of lightning and explosions. Yeah, it’s like that.

Who: Stallions Versus Unicorns with The Effects, Copperpot and Bleached Black

Where: House of Bricks, 525 E. Grand in Des Moines

When: Wednesday

Cost: $6