Feist brings show to M-Shop stage one night earlier

Dan Mcclanahan

Originally scheduled to grace the stage at the Maintenance Shop on Tuesday, indie-rock goddess Leslie Feist had to push her show forward a day because of a last minute gig on Late Night with Conan O’Brien.

Feist will be playing with her band Broken Social Scene on Conan O’Brien. M-Shop co-director Eric Hutchison said he was afraid the last-minute date change would hinder ticket sales, but fans have shown no sign of being deterred by the switch.

Jon Anderegg, freshman in pre-computer science, said the date change was a little inconvenient, but he still plans on going to the show.


Who: Feist with Jason Collett

Where: M-Shop

When: 8 p.m. Monday

Cost: $12 Students, $15 Public

“I bought a ticket before the date change. I have a programming assignment due Tuesday at 5 a.m., so it’s kind of inconvenient that they changed [the date], but they called me and told me what happened and they were nice about it, and I’m still going,” he said.

Hutchison said the show is one of the biggest scheduled for the M-Shop this spring.

“Feist is part of Broken Social Scene, who is probably one of the biggest names in indie rock in the last four or five years. For people to be able to watch a show like this in a place like the M-Shop is a really special thing,” he said.

Feist has received rave reviews across the country from making the New York Times top 10 list for 2005 to being nominated for indie artist of the year by Spin Magazine for her latest album, “Let It Die.”

Hutchison said the M-Shop was thrilled to book Feist because she’s been selling out venues much larger than the M-Shop across the country. He said that Feist’s live show is supposed to be a very intimate experience.

According to a recent concert review by Popmatters.com, Feist’s current live show includes a whirlwind of effects that replicate the sounds found on her album. Using pedals to loop her voice, Feist harmonizes with herself and performs nearly every song on her record.

At this particular concert, she included a well-received cover of a Bee Gees’ song.

“She’s very experienced performing live, she’s had like 10 years in the music business on different albums with different bands and whatnot,” Hutchison said.

Hailed for the simplicity and the captivating emotion of her songs, the M-Shop expects the show to draw a huge crowd.

“We expect the show to hopefully sell out, but if it doesn’t, it will come real close,” Hutchison said.

Feist said in a recent interview with Stylus Magazine that she will start recording a new album next month in Berlin.

“I found a big old manor house. The ballroom and the parlor and the dining room are all empty, and you can wire up from the basement studio into the whole house and record anything in the middle of these spaces. So [around] February I’m gonna start making the new record,” she said in the magazine article.

Annalise Finkler, junior in interior design, said she is planning on attending the show and is excited to see Feist in person.

“I first heard Feist in France this summer, and I bought the CD after coming back [to the states]. Some of the songs are very fun and some are a bit more tragic. It will be interesting to see how she performs live,” she said.