The Madrigal Inquisition

Tyler Brown – “The Jouster”

Did you ever regret becoming a jouster?

Yes, every time I find myself at the end of someone’s lance.

Did you hear the story about the princess and that Danish Duke?

I didn’t, but if there was jousting involved, I am sure there was someone there in my representative field taking care of business.

What are your thoughts on the plague?

I think it is the best thing to hit Europe since sliced bread. It is going to get rid of all those ridiculous peasants and clear the way for better, stronger jousters.

What do you say to accusations that you have been using a corked lance?

The jester did it.

Trevor Brown – “Jester/Fool”

Do you enjoy being a Jester?

Not particularly. I am constantly ridiculed because of my apparently inferior intelligence. But it pays the bills. I am really not touched, as many people assume I am. I am really not mad at all. I am just a guy down on his luck who needs to gain a little bit of favor with the King. What people really don’t understand is – and don’t tell this to anybody – but it’s certainly the way things go. It’s a common misconception that the fool is actually quite stupid.

Do you ever regret being a professional fool?

One King tried to have me beheaded because of a scandalous comment about the lady queen, but I am well past that rather wretched incident. I watch my tongue around royal personnel, but with the common folk anything goes, really.

Melissa Day – “A Noble Lady”

What do you think about your daughter’s two suitors?

Oh, shes so lucky. I wish that at her age I had two men pining over me. She does have the difficult task of choosing one to live and the other to meet his death with the executioner. That decision I would not want on my shoulders.

Is everything well between you and the King?

Well . he was a bit upset that my daughter and I came barging into the court, but after the entertaining events that followed concerning my daughter and her two suitors, I think that he was pleased. I shall be returning to his court in time.

Witches: Are they really that bad or just misunderstood?

Well, I really can’t say for fear of being overheard or ratted out. I would find myself in the presence of that awful executioner. Between you me, I think it’s all in their heads.

Can you get us press passes for a hanging?

Of course! That is the prime entertainment in our court.

Elizabeth Neuerburg – “A Noble Lady”

How do you like being a noble lady?

Well, really, it’s the only thing I have ever known. My parents were noble, their parents were noble and I will marry noble. That’s my life; that’s who I am.

Is there a prince in your future?

It’s not of my station to decide. My father will decide who I marry and I am sure he will be rich and of noble birth as well, and can well take care of me.

Have you heard the rumors of Viking abductions?

It’s England – I think the security of the nation is fairly well set.

Do you have any corset tips for the ladies out there?

Have a fainting couch at the ready. Because once they set you loose, all the blood rushes back to the head and it is quite breathtaking. Don’t eat too much.

– Kevin Stillman