
“Morningwood” (Capitol)

Compare to: Metric, Indigo Girls, Peaches

REVIEW: 3.5 / 5

In short: Morningwood’s debut is rockable, danceable and anything but flaccid . just maybe a bit too indecisive.

It’s rather difficult to pigeonhole Morningwood into a particular sound, which could be its greatest asset or its most fatal flaw. Hints of Electric Six bravado get mashed with chick rock on top of a healthy dose of gritty dance beats to become, ultimately, a high-energy and high-volume experience – albeit a schizophrenic one.

The amount of buzz Morningwood has received lately isn’t unjustified, however, as Morningwood is loud while still maintaining a sense of fun, a step in the right direction for a top 50 radio permeated with teen angst rock and uninspired club rap.

But I’ll get off my soapbox. What Morningwood does it does very well. “Take off your clothes” is the standout track, which will undoubtedly turn some heads – lead vocalist Chantal Claret moans “When I see you baby, I want to take off your clothes/Just rip off your clothes” over an ominous bassline.

Lead single “Nth Degree” provides dance elements to the mix and is one of several songs which shy away from Morningwood’s Courtney Love, loudmouthed presentation. After all is said and done, Morningwood is a Frankenstein of different sounds – coming from a band who describes themselves “A monster truck rally having tantric sex with a Bond girl” – and that’s definitely not a bad thing. I just wish it would decide on a clear direction, and maybe the band name would be more fitting.

– Rob Lombardi