Winter ClubFest to showcase variety of ISU student clubs

Megan Krueger

Here is a sequel that’s not expected to bomb like most box-office followups: ClubFest 2, an event highlighting the clubs of Iowa State, is scheduled for Wednesday night in the Memorial Union. New students, old students, transfer students – everyone is invited to attend to find out about the multitude of clubs at Iowa State. Of the 600 campus organizations, 142 spaces are reserved in the Memorial Union for Winter ClubFest.

Being in a student organization is an excellent way to meet new people, let off some stress, and find leadership opportunities, according to the Student Activities Center.

Although the Fall ClubFest is more than 15 years old, Winter ClubFest has only been running for four years.

During this time, according to Laura Bestler-Wilcox, assistant director of student activities, Winter ClubFest has been running smoothly thus far and has helped club numbers and club attendance stay strong.


Who: ClubFest 2

Where:Sun Room of the Memorial Union

When:7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Wednesday

She said ClubFest can’t grow much bigger than it is now and has to stay contained within the union.

“We wish we had lots more room,” Bestler-Wilcox said. Stretching it to other rooms, however, could make it harder to find things, she said.

Furthermore, the rooms are reserved 10 years in advance so the union doesn’t book the rooms for anything else.

This year, as an added bonus, there will be an open house featuring student activity centers within the union.

Here is a preview of a few of the clubs that will be featured at the event:ÿ

Cyclone Amateur Radio Club:

Meetings: Every second and last Thursday of each month at 7 p.m., 230 Town Engineering

These guys aren’t KURE. They can’t even play music on their station. But they can tell the weather service when a tornado is in town and make contact with people all over the world. The day after ClubFest, they will be talking about radio setups in cars and radio use in emergencies.ÿ

Celtic Dance Society:

Meetings: 7: 30 p.m. Mondays, Oak room of the union.

“It’s kind of like the prereq for Riverdance,” said Monica Stich, president of the club and senior in physics, about the type of dancing that they usually do. Twenty or so people stretch, review and dance in what may not feel like exercise, but certainly is. The Celtic Dance Society is helping out with the Celtic Dance and Culture Honors seminar and is also affiliated with the Central Iowa branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.ÿ

ISU Philosophy and Religious Studies Club:

Meetings: 5 p.m. Fridays, usually at Stomping Grounds, 505 Welch Ave

A small and informal group, the Philosophy Club is a chance to enjoy a meal and talk about the world.

A lecture can range from Intelligent Design to ISU Dining in the course of one night.

Clubs on the web:

Student activity center page with full list of clubs at Clubfest

CARC Web site

CDS Web site

Philosophy Club Information Page