Dean of Students candidate field shrinks to six finalists

Tom Vance

The pursuit for a new Dean of Students has been narrowed down to six finalists.

Thomas Hill, vice president for student affairs, said a search committee will look at the finalists’ student affairs philosophies and whether they are compatible with Iowa State.

He said all finalists would go through the same processes in the final stages of selection. The finalists are expected to hold a public forum at which they will talk for five to ten minutes and then hold a question and answer session.

Hill said he encourages students to attend the forums because the Dean of Students represents students on campus.

“[The] position will interact with students a lot,” Hill said.

“It is important for students to [give feedback] because students are very perceptive.”

He said students can tell whether a person is approachable or easy to get along with.

Sharon McGuire, interim dean of students and a finalist candidate, said the role is multifaceted. The dean deals with student services, faculty, budgets, facilities and planning.

“I’m excited that [varied experiences] really are what a Dean of Students needs because I can relate to what students are experiencing,” McGuire said. “I can kind of know the different context [in which] I might need to have a student’s voice heard.”

McGuire has taught, conducted research and been an academic advisor at Iowa State.

She said she wants to find ways to connect with students who aren’t involved on campus.

“I’d like to do more with what I call connecting with some of the invisible students,” McGuire said.

McGuire said Iowa State is fortunate, as the previous Dean of Students, Peter Englin, now Director of the Department of Residence, left the position “in very good shape.”

Dean of Students finalists and open forum schedule

– Robert Cabello, vice president for student affairs and enrollment management at Broward Community College, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Tuesday, Jan. 24 in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union.

– John Jones III, associate dean of students at Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, on Thursday, Jan. 26 in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union.

– George McClellan, vice president for student development at Dickinson State University, Dickinson, N.D., on Wednesday, Jan. 18 in the Gallery of the Memorial Union.

– Sharon McGuire, interim dean of students, on Wednesday, Jan. 25 in the Gallery of the Memorial Union.

– Katherine Sermersheim, director of student development at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill., on Tuesday, Jan. 17 in the Gallery of the Memorial Union.

– Zauyah Waite, director of student life at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, on Friday, Jan. 20 in Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union.