Regents approve 2005-06 tuition increases

Jared Taylor

The Iowa Board of Regents approved a 4 percent tuition increase for the 2006-07 school year during

their meeting Tuesday at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls.

Annual tuition will increase by $196 for resident undergraduates and $600 for nonresidents. Resident

graduate students will pay an additional $228 and nonresidents will pay an additional $630 per year.

“I am pleased the Regents have approved them,” said ISU President Gregory Geoffroy. “I think it creates a good balance in providing the university the resources it needs to keep

our programs strong and at the same time keeping tuition affordable for our students.”

A $250 per semester surcharge will be applied to junior- and senior-level engineering students, the first policy of its kind for undergraduates at Iowa’s public universities.

Despite the approval, Iowa City Regent Robert Downer said he would like to see a defined framework

for evaluating potential future tuition surcharge proposals.

“I still have some concerns with respect to the engineering increases because of the need in my view for

a policy framework with which to evaluate these,” he said.

Look for more coverage of tuition increases in Wednesday’s Iowa State Daily.