Hit and run victim remembered

Eric Lund and Jared Taylor / S

Kelly Laughery always found the energy to lend a helping hand and contribute to her community.

“She was a very vibrant individual. She did hours of community service in high school and was always ready to help someone,” said her mother, Pam Laughery.

Ryan Laughery, Kelly’s brother, said she was always fun to be around. He said she contributed more than 900 hours of community service for AmeriCorps during high school and regularly helped youth in 4-H and day camps.

“She was very outgoing, energetic, always smiling,” Ryan said. “She got involved and volunteered for everything.

Lisa Wetzel, president of the ISU Chapter of Sigma Kappa sorority, 233 Gray Ave., declined to comment Sunday afternoon.

Kelly received several scholarships from her widespread volunteer experience in high school but hadn’t decided on a career following graduation, Ryan said.

“She was taking business. I don’t know that she had any set plans,” he said. “She had plenty of time to think about it, I guess.”

Kelly died early Saturday morning resulting from injuries suffered during a hit and run incident on Mortensen Road. A 20-year-old sophomore in pre-business from Orient, Iowa, Kelly was walking east between Welch Road and Hayward Avenue after 4 a.m. when she was struck by a car. She was pronounced dead at Mary Greeley Medical Center – the driver and vehicle have not been identified.

Open House

The sisters of the Sigma Kappa sorority will hold an open house in remembrence of fellow sister Kelly Laughery at the Sigma Kappa house, 233 Gray Ave., from 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m.

Jerry Stewart, ISU director of public safety, said factors contributing to the incident have not yet been identified. It is not known whether the driver even knew he or she had struck a person, he said.

“Based on debris found near the scene, we are focusing our attention on the run vehicle as being a 1991 to 1993 Buick Century,” Stewart said.

The vehicle is believed to have significant damage, particularly to the front right corner, according to an ISU Police news release.

ISU Police Capt. Gene Deisinger said a statewide all-points bulletin has been issued for the vehicle. He encouraged people who have seen a vehicle matching the damage and description to contact the police.

Stewart said Kelly was believed to have been walking in or near the traveled portion of the roadway near the snow-covered shoulder when she was hit.

“It’s too early to determine what, if any, criminal charges might be filed,” Stewart said.

Police request that anyone with relevant information call (515) 294-4428.

Funeral services are scheduled for Wednesday at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 424 Scott, in Fontannelle. No memorial fund has yet been established.