Steinke voted director of Board of Regents

Jared Taylor

During Tuesday’s Iowa Board of Regents meeting, Gary Steinke was unanimously approved to become executive director of the Regents.

“I’m humbled and excited and very appreciative for the opportunity to serve the board and higher education,” Steinke said.

Steinke was serving on an interim basis after the August resignation of Greg Nichols. Nichols left the board to become a special assistant to ISU President Gregory Geoffroy.

Regents President Michael Gartner said he was ecstatic about Steinke’s appointment.

“He’s terrific, he understands all three universities, he works well with the Legislature, he works well with the governor’s office, he works well with all nine Regents,” he said. “He is a knowledgeable guy who is honest and fair and hard-working.”

Steinke said he would work to help keep Regents fully informed about their policy decisions.

“This board, especially, really drives the agendas and they drive the policy, as it should be,” he said. “The professional staff and I will work very hard to make sure that the direction the Regents go – the policy directions they wish to undertake in the governance role of the institutions – we will facilitate that in every way possible.”

Steinke previously served at Iowa State as special assistant to the president and director of government relations until he left for the Regents position in August 2004.