HIGHNOTE: CD Review – The Darkness

The Darkness

“One Way Ticket To Hell . And Back” (Atlantic)

Compare to: Queen, Duran Duran, Turbonegro

Whoever stole Justin Hawkins’ cocaine seriously needs to reconsider his rash and stupid action, and give it back right now.

The Darkness is not itself, and it’s very easy to tell by the simple fact that its trademark ’80s hair-metal knock-off riffs have gone someplace else.

“One Way Ticket,” the title track, “Knockers” and “Is It Just Me?” are classic ’80s raunch-metal anthems done Darkness style, but the rest of the album is filled with synthesizers, electronic drum sounds and acoustic guitar-driven ballads that are definitely a shocking change from the band’s first album.

The Darkness hasn’t completely abandoned its old image. There are a few solid Darkness-style music breaks throughout.

Hawkins still sings higher than any human male who has all of his parts in order should sing, and the lyrics are definitely still sexually upfront.

Even a few of the songs have blatantly obvious sexual titles, such as “Knockers,” where Hawkins croons “Oh crumbs, I’m all thumbs / Lying here with you / You’re beautiful and busty / But I’m a little rusty / I’ve forgotten what to do.”

“One Way Ticket…” is a good album musically, but the band seems like it has gone from poking fun at ’80s music, to actually sounding like one of those ’80s bands that didn’t change its style to fit the times or current trends, and is now just lingering for the few fans that want to reminisce about their mullet-sporting high school and college years.

– Dan Hopper