STAFF: Associate dean named second female president of architecture association

Tom Vance

On Friday, after a year of meeting and greeting, Kate Schwennsen will be inaugurated as the second woman president of the American Institute for Architects, an association that tries to enhance the practice of architecture.

Schwennsen, associate dean of the College of Design, has spent the past year first as vice president and president-elect.

“She’s worked on all the little nooks and crannies of the profession,” said Mark Engelbrecht, dean of the College of Design.

Engelbrecht said Schwennsen won by a very large margin. She had to get backing from every state, which is a hard thing to do. The presidency usually goes to “old guys” with large architectural practices, he said.

“We’re very proud of her,” Engelbrecht said.

Her leadership and involvement encourages students to get involved, he said.

Calvin Lewis, professor and chairman of architecture, said Schwennsen hasn’t been afraid to take on leadership roles.

“I think she’s a fantastic role model,” he said.

Schwennsen will make a good president because of her inclusive nature, he said.

“The greatest asset Kate has is she’s a people person,” Lewis said.

Schwennsen said her teaching experience will help her serve as president. She said one of her motivations is making situations better for future architects.

Schwennsen said she has been working on a way for architects to practice in any state without having to register for a license each time.

As president, she said, she will “help architects enter the digital age of the 21st century.” The profession needs to adapt in order to make it attractive to the next generation, she said.

“The demands [of the profession] are not friendly,” she said.

Schwennsen said she will be able to connect the professional world to the academic world.

“I think it keeps [Iowa State] out front,” she said “It’ll help people realize the quality of people at Iowa State.”

Douglas Steidl, current president of the Architect Institute, said Schwennsen has real insight into the profession.

“I think she has a vision of where the profession needs to go,” Steidl said.

He said she has looked at the presidency as a long-term engagement rather than a one-year term.

“There are people who innately understand the issues, and she’s one of them,” Steidl said.

Schwennsen will be the second woman in its 150-year history to become president, he said.

Schwennsen’s presidency will help students more easily connect with professionals, he said.

“It has opportunity to bring the educational community and professional community together,” he said.

According to Schwennsen’s resume, she has been involved with the AIA since the early ’90s. She was the president of the Iowa chapter in 1997 and has served on many architectural committees at the local, state, regional, national and international levels.