FBI clears possible ISU student suspect

Teresa Krug

A passenger believed to have had explosive residue on his shoes in a New York airport last week has been cleared by the FBI.

Jeff Tarpinian, spokesman for the FBI, said the man was pulled aside at the John F. Kennedy Airport on Friday because “his shoes tested positive for some type of explosive material being within his shoes.”

Tarapin said he did not know the exact reason for the man’s trip, but he said he believed the man was planning to visit Iowa State.

“I think he was coming there to do some type of study at Iowa State, but I’m not sure he’s enrolled there right now . ,” he said.

The man’s shoes were detained by the airport’s Transportation Security Administration, but he was released at that time.

Tarapin said TSA then turned the shoes over to the Omaha branch of the FBI for more testing.

The individual was later interviewed by the FBI in Waterloo, Tarapin said, but no charges were made.

After further analysis on the shoes, he said the results came back negative.

“We’ve determined that the individual poses no security threat,” Tarapin said.

The man’s name has not been released.