HIGHNOTE: CD Review – Ed Gein

Ed Gein

“Judas Goats and Dieseleaters”

(Blackmarket Activities/Metal Blade)

Compare to: The Red Chord, Premonitions of War, Paria

It’s uncommon that a band name can tell you as much about a band as Ed Gein. For its Blackmarket debut, this Syracuse metal/tech/grind trio have really embraced their serial killer namesake more than the hordes of other metal bands named for society’s finest.

Not only does “Judas Goats” emulate the shrieking sound that could easily have been recorded while Gein senior killed and skinned one of his hapless victims, there is a justified sense in thinking that if these guys ever came within arms length of one of their enemies, they too would be skinning them and wearing their skin as an accessory.

Luckily, judging from the lyrics, their only targets are ones who deserve a close encounter with a razor’s edge. The band, which divides its vocals between all three members, uses its lyrics as a blunt cannon to attack and wish death upon white supremacists, clergymen, sugar-coated celebs and religiously-guided world leaders.

In terms of lyrics and sheer musical gunfire, the band seems to be nicely coming into its own. Unfortunately this release stops short of being monumental because the band just doesn’t manage to do anything that hasn’t been done better previously. The promise of what Ed Gein’s next record will sound like, however, is reason enough to keep listening.

Buy it

– Dante Sacomani