15 Minutes: With Mark Herman, aspiring comedian

Ashley Garbin

Everyone thinks they’re a comic. Come on, admit it, we all find ourselves hilarious. For Mark Herman, senior in history, being funny is a reality. He is a member of the Adelante fraternity and an aspiring comic. Herman’s love of comedy first began while performing as a drummer in a band. During shows, he would crack jokes between sets, which in turn made Herman realize his love of performing in front of people. Although at this point he has only done a few shows, Herman is willing to go the extra mile for laughs. He has even donned a purple dress in the name of comedy.

First of all, tell me how your stand-up career originated.

Well, I noticed when I told jokes no one laughed, so I decided to spread my pain among the masses.

What has been your favorite performance this far in your career?

I really liked performing at Beta Sigs – there was actually an audience there. I’m actually performing there next Friday, trying out some of my new bits. Since I’m a history major, I am doing a bit called Farce, which is based on a Karl Marx quote about how history repeats itself. The first time is called tragedy, and the second time is farce. The way I see it, I shouldn’t really be up there the second time around – I’m really not that funny.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Either a detective or a fireman. Then I decided I like poverty, so I’ll go into teaching. I want to teach high school history.

What is the best part about being a comedian? What is the worst part?

The best part is sharing my thoughts with other people and seeing what they think. If they think you are funny, it’s great, but the worst part is when you are up there laughing at something you think is funny and the room just dies. I didn’t think that actually happens, but it does.

What comedians inspire you?

Definitely Seinfeld. I can’t get enough of him. We both have very analytical minds; I look at something and think, holy cow, and then start analyzing it. I’ve had moments where I am talking to people and then suddenly I feel like I am in an episode of “Seinfeld.” The other day we were talking about what you would call a puke; does it count as two when you are in the bathroom and you stop for a little bit and then throw up again or do you actually have to leave the bathroom and come back in for it to count as two? Most people think you have to actually leave the bathroom.

Who is the most important person in your life?

Well, I’m single. That’s actually most of my angle. I’ve never had a relationship before. Most of my jokes are based on being single or on the different ways that I have been totally shot down. But there are a lot of important people in my life though – my friends, my family, my faith in Jesus.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

I would wish for the power to stay awake during my afternoon classes.

I am not an afternoon person; morning person sure, night person yes. But not afternoons. The professor’s coffee is sitting three feet away from me and I still can’t stay awake in class.