Motion City Soundtrack goes mainstream

Kathryn Fiegen

Motion City Soundtrack, once a cult-college favorite, is now busting into the mainstream with its sophomore album, “Commit This to Memory,” a video on MTV2 and a spot secured in the Nintendo-Fusion tour. While on location, drummer Tony Thaxton told Pulse what it feels like to be movin’ on up.

Kathryn Fiegen: Where are you at right now on the tour?

Tony Thaxton: We are trapped in Salt Lake City. The roads to Seattle are bad. This was supposed to be a day off. We don’t know what to do with ourselves exactly.

KF: What have you been doing to entertain yourselves then?

TT: Not very much. Yesterday, my day was: I woke up really late ’cause I knew I had nothing to do; went to the mall; ate at Chili’s; came back to the bus; and played Mario Kart. Not to knock Salt Lake City, but I don’t know what to do here.

KF: Was everyone with you on that?

TT: I think a few people went to the bar. I think some people were going to go get a ‘tour tattoo’ – like a Nintendo controller or something. I don’t have a tattoo, so I don’t want my first one to be a Nintendo controller.

KF: Wait, wait. You’re in a band and you don’t have a tattoo? Isn’t that sacrilegious?

TT: [Laughs] I know. I don’t have any tattoos, no piercings, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs and I barely drink.

KF: You guys are out promoting your latest album – how has that been going for you?

TT: It’s been really, really rad. It’s been awesome. The album came out in June, and the sales haven’t slowed down nearly as much as everyone thought it would. I think it was, like, No. 9 on [MTV2’s] rock countdown. We don’t know where it’s heading.

KF: So, you’re getting up there as far as people knowing who you guys are. Do you have any groupies yet?

TT: No [laughs]. We do have kids who come to every show and some we’ve become friends with. We do recognize some from show to show and we tell them they are crazy for coming out that much. There is this girl from Chicago that is – and I’m not exaggerating – approaching 80 shows. We know who she is and we’re friends with her. I talk to her online sometimes.

KF: You have AOL Instant Messenger? What is your screen name?

TT: I have two. The public one is drumerge.

KF: How did you come up with that name?

TT: I’ve had it since I was just out of high school and me and the bass player, Matt, were in a band together called Submerge.

KF: That’s cute.

TT: Yeah, it’s clever.

KF: So, what are you doing tonight?

TT: No idea. Actually, speaking of MTV2, we went to their studio and played a couple of songs and they’re airing it tonight. I’m scared-slash-nervous to see it. A lot of times they mix things weird for TV.