HIGHNOTE: Bringing the Holiday Cheer

Rachel Brown

Pianist Lorie Line has come a long way since her first gig.

Her first professional performing job was at a Dayton’s department store in Minneapolis where she would serenade customers as they shopped. Quickly, Line lulled the shoppers from their browsing and gathered a crowd. The road to a successful musical career was opening.

“People would come and listen who were from out of town and would ask if I was touring or if I had a CD out,” Line says.

As a result, Line decided to make an album and start touring; she has now recorded more than 20 albums.

Although her career began quickly, her love for music started at a very young age.

“I began getting interested in music when I was 5 and began to take lessons,” she says.

Line says playing the piano came very easy to her and she was able to play everything from ear. She says she was able to hear music on the radio and play it on the piano, and could also easily pick up songs that her family would play for her. It got to the point where she was able to correct the mistakes people made on the piano by listening and knowing exactly which note was off, without even being able to read music, she says.

Line’s knack for music has kept her in the studio and on the road ever since.

“A Few of My Favorite Things” is the title of her current holiday tour, on which she performs music inspired by the holidays and her favorite things from childhood.

There are two segments to the family friendly show. The first segment is a Motown segment and the second is a tribute to Lawrence Welk.

Beyond the inspiration, “A Few of My Favorite Things” is very visual – the show incorporates colors, fashion, set design, costumes, music and characters, Line says.

“We have two semi-trucks that carry our 200 costumes and set designs,” she says.

Line says both she and the 20 members of the orchestra will be wearing mostly original costumes with fabrics coming from France, New York and her hometown of Minneapolis.

To ensure that the costumes last, Line keeps two fabricators on tour with them.

Line says “A Few of My Favorite Things” has a few surprises and activities for the audience. Children will be invited on stage to play rhythm sticks during a song. She says there is also a surprise appearance by Lawrence Welk and Marilyn Monroe, which she is remaining tight-lipped about until the show.

Line says there is a lot of work that goes into making a show, but it is all worth it.

“The most satisfying thing is working all year on a tour and then being able to present it to a crowd,” she says.

“I just love the interaction between me and the audience.”

The only downside to touring she said she can think of is that it often goes by too quickly.

“Since this is our holiday show it ends on Dec. 23, it’s too short,” she says.

Who: Lorie Line and her

Chamber Pop Orchestra

Where: Stephens Auditorium

When: 3 p.m. Sunday

Cost: $47, $40, $30; 15 and under $29.