Banquet shows world’s unequal supply of food

Kristen Arneson

A dramatic presentation on Tuesday will display the inadequate food supply in other parts of the world.

Participants draw from a fishbowl a card that will determine whether they sit as an individual from a First World, Second World or Third World country.

Meals will be served according to the amount of food available to individuals in the three classes around the world.

“It gives you a visual of the unequal distribution of food and gives you a good demonstration of poverty in the world,” said Tamim Mahayni, awareness director of the Student Union Board and senior in biology.

Annice Fisher, graduate student in educational leadership and policy studies and a member of the Student Union Board, explained the extreme differences in the way the meals will be served at Tuesday’s banquet.

“If I draw Third World, I am eating rice and beans sitting on the floor, and only 10 feet away someone will be eating roasted chicken and vegetables served by a wait staff,” she said.

The Hunger Banquet began with an international nonprofit organization, OXFAM, which deals with hunger-related issues.

Fisher said the goal for this event is to have 100 people attend and participate.

The cost for a ticket is $5 for students and $7 for nonstudents. All money raised will be donated to OXFAM.

Fisher said the Student Union Board is encouraging everyone to come to the banquet.

“We want the entire Iowa State and Ames community to see they are privileged to eat a meal every day,” Fisher said.

Rohini Ramnath, junior in political science, said she heard about the event through both a friend and as director of student affairs for the Government of the Student Body.

She said she is planning to attend the event.

“I think it’s really important to go to it to show people the disparities of the world today,” Ramnath said.

The Hunger Banquet will take place at 6 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

Tickets will be sold Tuesday on the ground floor of the Union Drive Community Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Hunger Banquet has been sponsored by the Student Union Board awareness committee for the last two years.

Before that, a program called LEAP – leadership, enrichment and action program – held the event annually before it merged with the Student Union Board.