Art Mart: a welcome change to gift buying

Jennifer Nelson

For everyone who was too full of turkey and its accompaniments this past Friday to brave the near arctic shopping conditions, there is still hope for a reasonably priced gift — The Art Mart.

The Art Mart is an arts and crafts show that features artists from the workspace as well as artists from campus clubs and organizations. Letitia Kenemer, coordinator for the workspace, says the sale will feature work done by students, and staff who work in the workspace and other groups, including ISU Gaffer’s Guild and the University Print Society.

The proceeds will go back to the clubs and individuals selling the products, she says.

Kenemer says every year they have new artists at the show.

“It’s fun to come look, even if people don’t want to buy things. It’s fun to look at all the artwork,” she says.

She says in the past the show has had hundreds of people stop to look at the artwork.

Kenemer say this year could be a good year because the sale will be operating alongside the winter festival.

“The winter festival for Iowa State is going on Wednesday night too, so we’re trying to be open during that time,” she says. “People here for the winter festival could just stop by.”

Kenemer will also be knitting scarves for the show.

Her scarves are just one of many different hand made crafts that will be available for purchase.

Greg Lamont, an instructor at the workspace has been working on his pottery off and on for about 33 years, but has been seriously making pottery for the past seven years.

He will be selling a variety of “functional vessels,” at the show. Lamont became interested in pottery during a pottery class in college and began pursuing it.

“It’s a magical substance and once you begin to learn to work with this substance, it’s kind of addicting,” he says. “For me, it’s basically that you can take a lump of material from the earth and shape that into whatever you want and then by application of heat, have something that can last thousands of years.”

Amber Russell of Ames will be selling the beaded and sterling jewelry she makes. Russell gained her interest in making jewelry after shopping at a bead store when she lived in California. After watching them make jewelry, she ended up taking some classes there. Russell sells some of her jewelry in the Octagon, as well a little shop in Perry and does some various open houses around the holidays.

“It is my therapy to keep my hands busy,” she says “My regular job is I’m a special ed. teacher, so it’s just a way for me to get my mind off of that and put my energy into something different.”

Russell says Going to the show is a good way for students to find stuff they wouldn’t normally find around Ames.

“It’s an easy way for students to maybe get some shopping done on campus, stuff that’s made by Ames and Iowa State people to give to their friends and family; or you can just buy for yourself,” Kenemer says.

What: Art Mart

Where: Cardinal Room, MU

When: Noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday