Ground breaks on ISU Alumni Center after years of fundraising and planning

Teresa Krugs

After years of discussion and delays, Iowa State will soon have a new gathering place for alumni when they visit Ames.

Alumni, students and administration gathered Saturday for the groundbreaking ceremony for the new ISU Alumni Center.

With around 400 people in attendance, Jeff Johnson, president of the Alumni Association, and other officials thanked donors for their contributions and explained the future of the new center.

“This has been a 30-year dream,” Johnson said.

It has only been in the last five years, however, that the Alumni Association has gained approval from the Iowa Board of Regents to begin fundraising and planning for the center.

Johnson said although having an alumni center has been something many people have wanted throughout the years, other colleges on campus needed to be focused on first. As a result, the idea of having a place for alumni to gather was continually pushed aside.

Finally, after preliminary discussion with the alumni community to see if there would be any support for a center, the association took action.

“[It was] time to turn attention to saluting and honoring alumni,” Johnson said.

Upon completion, the 32,400-square-foot, one-story building will be used as a gathering place for all alumni when they return to Ames.

The building will include stone tablets to honor alumni and include four galleries: one for patents, one for leadership, one for distinguished alumni and one for current outstanding student leaders and their activities.

Johnson said he expects the total construction time to be 18 months.

The total price tag is $13 million, to be funded entirely from private donations, although only $11 million has been raised.

Johnson said he does not expect the last $2 million to be a problem, though, which is why they are pushing ahead with construction.

Iowa State will be the 11th school in the Big 12 to have an alumni center.

“It’s a wonderful addition,” said ISU President Gregory Geoffroy.

He said he is glad to see a place like this on campus.

“[The Center] should strengthen alumni and the university. It’s important to keep a strong connection,” Geoffroy said.

Stephanie Hilbert, senior in marketing and intern with the ISU Foundation, has helped with the planning for the event, and said she is excited for the center to be built.

“It will be a home for alums because they don’t have that now,” Hilbert said. “I think it will be a really impressive, welcoming atmosphere.”

Construction will not begin until next spring.