LETTER: We should have non-smoking bars

I’ve frequented the Campustown bars for about two years since I moved to Ames from Iowa City. The smoke was a little heavy in some places and my clothes always smelled when I left, but I shrugged it off as being just part of the consequences for going to the bars and didn’t really think twice about it.

Then my asthma flared up about three weeks ago. Since then, I have not been able to patronize the places that I so enjoyed for fear of serious risk to my lungs.

Although I do not support a City Council measure to further regulate the activities of the Campustown bars, it would be nice if some bars would voluntarily change their policy toward smoking or provide extensive renovations to their ventilation system. Even having one non-smoking night would significantly decrease the amount of smoke.

I am certain I am not the only person whose health suffers by attending the bars and hope there will be at least one bar owner to read this and decide to have at least one non-smoking night at their establishment.

Rikki Honnold


Political science