LETTER: Pro-choice action reduces abortions

Once again, the abortion issue showed itself on campus. Those who protested said students are apathetic to the issue and do not care. The truth is, they do care and they know the truth. Here is the truth once and for all. Nobody is pro-abortion, and it shows a lack of intelligence when the pro-life people call us “baby killers.” To be honest, it is my side that has done much to stop abortions from happening. Through sex education in our schools and also talking to our youth about abstaining, we have given people the whole story. By abstaining, chances of getting an STD and pregnancy are heavily reduced. In the long run you will not regret having your first time with a person you truly did not love. Yet, as much as we talk about it, there are still those who want to have sex. All we can do is teach them about safe sex (condoms, morning after pills, etc.)

Sadly, many people do get pregnant. So what my side believes is that it is important to sit with a counselor and talk to them. These counselors inform them about all options and they make sure the patient knows abortions must be used only as a final option. Unfortunately, sometimes, that woman wants an abortion, so instead of forcing a woman to go to a back alley with a coat hanger, they go to a hospital and have the operation. So, as you can all see, we are there every step of the way working with women to be safe, to tell them their options and reminding them that abortions should be only as a last resort. Criminalizing abortions and abstinence-only education has not and never will work in stopping abortions. Our plan has. When it comes to the abortion issue, my side is hands on to try to work with women. For the opposition, it is only a political issue used to divide America.

David Grimesey


Political Science