Ames restaurants, ISU Dining donate to victims of hurricanes

Marcos Rivera and Fred Loves

Restaurants across the United States – including several in Ames – are trying to ease the suffering of victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

As part of the National Restaurant Association’s “Dine for America” day, restaurants nationwide – including ISU Dining – are donating a portion of their Wednesday sales to the American Red Cross.

ISU Dining, a member of the National Restaurant Association, has pledged 5 percent of its Wednesday cash sales to aid hurricane victims.

“When we heard about this program, I discussed it with other dining service employees and we decided this would be a good idea to participate,” said Jon Lewis, director of ISU Dining.

Lewis estimated that ISU Dining would donate around $1,000 to the Red Cross.

“We’re donating 5 percent of all our cash sales from Wednesday, so no money from student meal plans or Dining Dollars will be donated,” he said.

ISU Dining chose to donate money exclusively from its cash sales, he said, because although students can choose to pay cash, using a meal plan involves money that has already been spent.

“Cash sales are non-mandatory and more flexible, so if someone wants to donate to this cause, they can choose to pay cash,” Lewis said. “We don’t feel student money should go to charity.”

Doug Yetman, executive director of the American Red Cross Lincoln Way Chapter, encouraged citizens to take part in the fundraiser even though the Ames Red Cross will not see any of the donated money.

“This is being coordinated on a national level,” Yetman said. “The money supports a national effort that we’re more than happy to facilitate, but we won’t actually see any of the money.”

He said he expects the fundraiser to contribute greatly to the Red Cross’ relief effort.

“Nationwide, this’ll do a lot of good,” Yetman said. “People who donate small amounts often feel like they don’t really contribute, but a penny donation here and there adds up.”

He said a total of 11 restaurants in Ames including ISU Dining chose to participate in “Dine for America” day. Two Arby’s locations, the Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom and Red Lobster are donating 100 percent of Wednesday’s sales, while Fazoli’s, Lucullans, Perkins, Taco Bell and Taco Johns are donating a portion of their sales. Village Inn also collected donations. According to, more than 17,000 restaurants participated nationwide.

The Red Cross hopes to raise $2 billion for Katrina relief alone and so far has raised more than $1 billion, Yetman said.

Students said ISU Dining should have made more of an effort to raise awareness of the fundraiser, but supported the idea.

“They should have publicized it more,” said Ashley Geesman, freshman in chemical engineering. “I would have paid with cash if I knew.”

Jorge Almodovar, junior in chemical engineering, and Madeline Moffit, freshman in pre-business, said they didn’t think a large amount of money would be raised, since the drive only includes cash sales.