15 MINUTES… with Boris Dragojevic, Papa John’s pizza delivery

Katie Fullers

Some people dread jobs in the food service industry, especially in a college town. However, Boris Dragojevic, freshman in environmental science and a native of Sarajevo, Bosnia, turns a hungry student’s need for pizza into some much needed “dough.” As a delivery driver for Papa John’s pizza for the past year and a half, Dragojevic manages his time in order to work approximately 20-25 hours a week, practice martial arts and study to become a teacher.

So, what’s the craziest pizza delivery you’ve ever made?

I delivered to a house of drunk people and they offered me a drink and tipped me $42. That was cool since we pay for our own gas, our own car and everything else. The only thing we get as delivery drivers is 5 percent of total sales. If you deliver about $600 worth of pizza, it’s really nice, but sometimes you deliver 20 pizzas or only about $150 total – 5 percent of that isn’t a lot to go home with.

Are college students good tippers, or not really?

College students are OK, I wish they would be better. Papa John’s started charging an extra dollar for delivery which the driver doesn’t get; it all goes to the owner of the store. I think people think drivers get that money and then won’t tip us. Throwing out an extra dollar probably wouldn’t hurt anybody.

What is the best thing about being a delivery driver?

You get to drive around in your car and listen to music. That’s about the only plus to this job really. I don’t have any particular songs, but my favorite band is Linkin Park. They have good rock-out songs. I also like techno and I just bought the new Disturbed CD. I really love to listen to music.

Have you ever worked in pizza delivery before?

This isn’t my first job in delivery. I used to work for Northern Lights Pizza in Des Moines when I lived in Urbandale.

I am originally from Sarajevo, Bosnia, but I moved to Serbia till age 6 and then moved to Urbandale, when I was 12. My aunt and uncle lived here and they said it was a lot like Bosnia.

Ames, a lot like Bosnia?

It’s rural country. Well, you have your town and then you have your country right next to each other, very close. If I was to live in New York or something I wouldn’t be able to handle it, too many people and too many cars.

What is the most commonly ordered pizza?

The most commonly ordered pizza is a pepperoni pizza. The most common delivery place is either Frederiksen Court or a frat house. It’s usually always pepperoni pizza, there really isn’t much variety.

After delivering all that pizza, do you actually still like to eat it?

Maybe like once or twice a month. If something new comes out, I’ll try it, like the Chicken Bacon Ranch pizza, but not very often because I get sick of it. I actually like Papa John’s; it’s the best of all the different places I’ve tried. My favorite kind of pizza is “The Works.”

What do you have planned for life after pizza delivery?

If everything works out, I want to be a teacher. I like Ames and I am very proud to go to Iowa State, I can just put it that way.