LETTER: The Liberty Dollar is a good alternative

It is obvious when talking to people these days that the skyrocketing price of gasoline and other consumer goods is hurting their budgets and making it much harder for many families. However, I am amazed at the fact that very few people seem to know why the prices are so high. A few people may blame the big oil companies and/or the devastating hurricane, which certainly had an impact, but there is an underlying problem that is getting worse. That problem is called the Federal Reserve System, which, along with more than willing politicians, has printed enormous amounts of money out of thin air. Every time the FED creates more money, that means the money in your pocket is suddenly worth less. The reason is that this money eventually makes it into the economy causing inflation. This especially hurts the poor and middle class families in America and is largely responsible for the growing rich-poor divide.

There is another option that was created in 1998 to protect an individual’s money. The Liberty Dollar is a legal, private currency that is 100 percent backed by gold and silver, as originally specified in the U.S. Constitution. If you are tired of being ripped off, then I urge you to check out the Web site at Libertydollar.org.

Chad Martindale

Graduate student

Material science & engineering