Stars of 3XWrestling duke it out in Des Moines

Cody Saveraid

High-impact pro wrestling action is only a half-hour away.

3XWrestling puts on events each month at Hoover High School in Des Moines.

3XW is a professional wrestling promotion similar to World Wrestling Entertainment, but on a smaller scale. 3XW management guarantees you’ll see more than three hours of action in an atmosphere similar to a WWE event, but at a fraction of the cost.

Since its first event in July, 3XW has gained a very loyal following. Although attendance is only in the hundreds, Mike Kinney, a junior at Minnesota State University- Mankato who performs as the hard-hitting “Cowboy” Gator Magraw, says the passion of the crowd gives 3XW the feeling of a much bigger event.

“3XW fans are loud, responsive and very fun to perform in front of,” he says.

3XW prides itself on the level of interaction between wrestlers and fans. Fans can get autographs from most of the performers, as well as talk to their favorite stars one-on-one.

“The talent that makes up the 3XW roster cares about our fans and want to make sure that when you spend your money to come watch them that you feel like you’re getting your money’s worth from bell to bell,” says David Andersen, part-owner of 3XW.

Many of 3XW’s stars are relative unknowns from around the Midwest independent wrestling scene, just waiting for their big break.

Brian Dunn, who wrestles as “Big” Brian Ash, earned his master’s degree in education from Iowa State. He is the current 3XWrestling World Heavyweight champion and one of 3XW’s top bad guys.

Dunn has received help from a mysterious masked man in gaining and retaining his title at previous events. At “Grave Circumstances,” he teams up with the “Masked Man” in the main event against top-contender Mr. Destiny and 3XWrestling North American champion Gage Octane, two of 3XW’s most popular stars.

“Destiny is an ape, the kind of guy that thinks being huge is going to carry him,” says Dunn, before tearing into Octane. “If wrestling ability were people, I’d be India. Octane would be more like Kelley, Iowa.”

Also scheduled to compete is former WWE and TNA Wrestling star, “The Future” Frankie Kazarian.

Along with considering himself the future of professional wrestling, Kazarian is also known as “The Coolest.”

Kazarian faces a stiff challenge in Robert Rodarte, an ultra-popular local star who competes as the masked luchador Egotistico Fantastico. Rodarte says he believes he is the coolest wrestler working today and hopes to shut Kazarian’s mouth once and for all.

“The Coolest? Well, did he ever find a bike outside the building, then come out to the ‘Wonder Years’ theme song while riding a bike to the ring?” Rodarte asks. “I think not!”