Volleyballers on conference hot streak

Shelby Hoffman

The ISU volleyball team made school history Tuesday night.

The Cyclones completed their second consecutive conference-match sweep, the first time they’ve done so since the Big 12 began in 1996. The first sweep came against Colorado on Sept. 28 and the Cyclones made it two in a row after tearing down Texas Tech in a trio of quick games Tuesday.

“We’ve played as well tonight as I’ve seen us play all season,” said coach Christy Johnson.

“We focused and came out more than ready to go. We are feeling like we are at a high level right now.”

The Cyclones tallied their highest hitting percentage of the season at a .461 mark, compared to a lackluster -.053 effort by Texas Tech.

The Red Raiders were no match against an exuberant Cyclone squad in game one. Iowa State rattled off nine points behind the serving of Laura Cady and the terrorizing net play of Erin Boeve.

Texas Tech attempted to whittle the lead with a three-point jump, but Iowa State kept plugging away at its opponent, leading by as much as 16. The Red Raiders’ jump serving was a nonexistent factor against the Cyclones.

Iowa State continued to capitalize on a Texas Tech squad that appeared to only be going through the motions. Cyclone kills fell beyond Red Raider fingers, including a decisive smash by Jessica Klein. Iowa State wrapped up the game with a 30-13 rout.

“We were really prepared for their good serving, so we concentrated well on passing,” said outside hitter Nicole Lorenzen. “We got our passes up to create good options.”

Game two was more of a challenge for the Cyclones, as they made early service errors before creeping to a 14-7 lead thanks to Texas Tech miscommunication.

Senior setter Amanda Craig unleashed a potent jump serve of her own, nabbing an ace and four points. Meghan Ferrie crushed a kill at point 29, and Boeve sealed the deal with a tip block to take the 30-19 win.

“Our goal was to get it to our middles, and they just dominated,” Lorenzen said. “Our coaches do great scouting to know where hitters are, and that allows us be in the right place at the right time at the net.”

The third game was a carbon copy of the first as Cady tripped up the Red Raider defense by serving for eight lead points. Boeve and Craig frustrated Texas Tech with their performance at the net, and Iowa State got three consecutive kills from Katie Jessen to reach point 27. Two kills from seniors Katie Kruenegel and Katy Amundson secured the 30-17 win.

“When you win easily in games one and two, you have a tendency to let up in the third,” Johnson said. “It’s like, here’s the challenge, and we came out just as focused. It’s not an easy thing to do.”

Boeve garnered a double-double with 10 kills and 10 block assists, as well as a .571 hitting percentage. Jessen followed with nine kills, while Craig nabbed six block assists and 37 setting assists. Philister Sang led the Red Raiders with nine kills.

“I think Amanda had her best match of the season, and she made nice decisions,” Johnson said. “Our hitting percentage shows how well she distributed the ball, and she did great with her jump serve.”

Lorenzen said the Cyclones may be better than other teams think.

“I think this really shows we can’t be underestimated,” Lorenzen said. “We can be just as good as anyone, and we’re better than good. We’re a great team.”