University to honor pair of local families

Eric Lunds

The paper work had begun, but sadly, Andy Albright would never get the chance to see the radiant smile on his mother’s face or see the gleaming pride in his fathers eyes, when his family walks out onto the field of Jack Trice Stadium in front of thousands of families and Cyclone fans as the ISU Family of the Year.

The youngest of the three Albright sons, Andy, began paperwork to enter his family as the 2005 Iowa State Family of the Year in early September, but was killed in a car accident on Sept. 13.

“We were just so overwhelmed and honored, and it was all because of what our son Andy had started,” said Lisa Albright of when she learned of the award. “Andy started it all, his brothers Ben and Nick finished it.”

Both the Albright family of Lytton and the McNutt family of Iowa City will be honored during Family Weekend at Saturday’s game against Baylor.

Both ISU alums, brothers Ben and Nick Albright graduated with agricultural studies degrees in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Both parents graduated from Iowa State in 1977, as did grandparents Jim and JoAnn.

Lisa said she and her husband, Alan, had traveled to Ames the day they were informed of their son’s death, and had taken Andy’s fraternity brothers from the Alpha Gamma Rho house – which has seen three generations of Albrights – out to eat.

“Someone from Family Weekend wanted to meet us at the [Alpha Gamma Rho] house,” she said.

It turned out the person who wanted to meet her was Aaron Armbrecht, a high school friend of Andy and himself a 2004 Family Weekend honoree, to tell the family in person they had been selected.

“It was a really, really hard day, but it ended on a nice note hearing that news,” Lisa said.

The McNutt family, as well, has a long history with Iowa State, and has also recently been forced to cope with family tragedy.

“I would have to say that it mostly came down to, basically, my grandparents,” said Alana McNutt – who submitted the application for her family. “My grandfather passed away last fall.”

She said her grandparents – Paul and Mary – met and eventually fell in love at Iowa State in 1936. All three of their children went to Iowa State, as did all but two of their grandchildren. One of the two is still a sophomore in high school, while the other, Alana’s step brother – also a high school student – was killed earlier this year in a car accident.

“I think it’s a huge honor, I think it’s definitely well deserved if for nothing else than my step brother and grandfather’s honor,” Alana said.

Family of the Year Coordinator Rachel Smith said Alana’s grandfather was also honored in the ISU Animal Science Hall of Fame.

Alana and her sister, Ashton, both currently attend Iowa State. Alana is active in her sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, and in several agricultural student organizations.

The Family of the Year tradition began in 1968.

Smith said families are chosen for “their outstanding loyalty, support and their long lasting legacy to Iowa State, and their dedication.”

She said the naming of two families instead of one began in 2002. Smith said two families were named so people with unique situations could be recognized too, in addition to the contest’s traditional focus on family history.

“More emphasis will be placed on honoree families that have shown a unique dedication and enthusiasm to Iowa State,” Smith said.

She said there were 16 applicants in this year’s Family of the Year contest.