GSB strives to fill unoccupied seats on supreme court

Katie Schmitt

As hearings on a candidate for Chief Justice of the United States begin this week, ISU student leaders are attempting to fill their own court.

This year, six of the eight positions on the Government of the Student Body supreme court, including the chief justice position, were left vacant by graduating seniors. Appointees are planned to be chosen this week. The GSB finance committee is also in the process of filling empty seats.

Applications from interested students were due Sept. 2, and were followed by interviews.

“I predict that the supreme court will be full,” said Angela Groh, GSB president.

Groh, senior in political science, said any interested student could apply as long as they have a 2.0 GPA and they have been at Iowa State for at least one semester. Appointments to the court last until graduation.

According to the GSB Web site, the court has “jurisdiction over cases between two student organizations, an individual or group of individuals and a student organization, and grievances filed by registered campus organizations.”

According to Daily staff reports, the court has recently been involved in the case of a former employee of the ISU Hockey Club who sued the club after being let go without compensation.

Chris Deal, GSB vice president, said if students don’t apply to be on the court, GSB would simply do without until next time.

“Every year, you have people who graduate and you just go through the process of electing new members,” said Deal, senior in mechanical engineering.

Applications could be accessed online and turned in to the GSB office – located in the Memorial Union – with a current resume and class schedule. Students applying for the chief justice position should also include a proposal for the year.

The finance committee has a similar process to fill positions. The positions, however, are only one-year appointments.

“We pick new people each year; when there’s an opening, we re-interview everyone interested,” said Jason Carroll, GSB finance director and senior in civil engineering.

The finance committee must fill three senate positions and three at-large positions, which are any student non-GSB senators.

There are two alternate positions as well, one senate seat and one at-large seat, which are both non-voting positions, Carroll said.

Carroll said if the positions are filled on the supreme court, it would have little effect, but if positions are not filled, it could delay cases from being dealt with quickly.