Hurricane relief fundraising a sucess

Joseph Augustin

The Government of the Student Body successfully raised approximately $18,000 for the Red Cross, Chris Deal, vice president of GSB, said at Wednesday’s GSB meeting.

The money was raised through efforts on campus and during the football game last week.

The amount of money donated prompted another fundraising effort to take place this Saturday at the home football game versus Iowa.

“We will have four tables set up at each of the concourses so everybody that walks by will see a table,” Deal said.

Donations will be taken from the time gates open until halftime.

In other business, four people were nominated to the finance committee.

Nathaniel Johansen, junior in agricultural business, Thurston Dixon, junior in management, and Daniel Determan, sophomore in hotel, restaurant and institution management were all named as at-large members of the finance committee.

Charles Everson, sophomore in mechanical engineering, was named an alternate at-large member.

“I was involved with the GSB last year and I admire what the finance committee does,” Determan said.

“I feel my skills will be best used on the finance committee.”

Dixon said he wanted to get involved so he could better inform students of the process involved in financing clubs.

The senate resolution read at GSB’s last meeting, which was written by Philip Hernandez in response to the racial and sexual discriminatory graffiti found on campus this summer, passed by a unanimous vote of 35 to 0.

Two amendments were suggested to change the language of the resolution, but the language of the resolution was not changed.