MU landscaping lacks funds

Virginia Arrigucci and Fred Loves

Once adorned with green shrubbery and a flowing fountain, the area in front of the north side of the Memorial Union is now roped off in construction tape and surrounded with young grass – funds are not available to finish landscaping the area.

Most of the plant material was removed in July as a request to rid the Union of overgrown shrubbery, and the Fountain of the Four Seasons was shut off in late August for repair.

Kathy Svec, program coordinator for the Memorial Union, said the removal left bare spots around the fountain and in front of the Union where grass has since been planted.

Svec said the university plans to re-landscape much of the lawn area around the fountain and in front of the Union, once funds become available to continue the project.

“The university has every intention to landscape the area around the Memorial Union in a much prettier way,” Svec said.

She was unsure, however, when money would be ready to begin the landscaping.

“The grass around the fountain has come in quite well, but we’re planning in the long-term to replace the grass with something that will fit in much better,” she said.

Catherine Brown, program coordinator for facilities planning and management, said the plants were about 70 years old and had been damaged by weather and snow removal, making them no longer attractive.

Some had also grown larger than intended.

Brown said any replacements would represent an “interest in respecting a formal look because of the historical meaning of the area.”

Lynette Pohlman, director for university museums, said the fountain was shut down to allow workers to replace the grout around the capstones of the fountain.

Although the grout has been replaced, Pohlman said it needs to cure for at least 28 days. The fountain will not run again this semester as fountain season would typically be ending soon. Water will be running through the fountain next spring around Veishea time.