GSB discusses fighting discrimination

Joseph Augustin

The Government of the Student Body met Wednesday evening to discuss hurricane relief drive efforts and a new senate resolution to create an anti-discrimination commission.

GSB is organizing a relief drive to help aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

There will be five stations set up around campus Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to collect donations, which will be sent directly to the Red Cross.

GSB President Angela Groh said there will also be an effort on behalf of the GSB to take donations for the Red Cross during Saturday’s football game.

The anti-discrimination commission will consist of seven student members and two nonstudent members.

The commission will attempt to “establish a campus dialogue on principles or standards that will provide a framework that strives to create a culture of learning, understanding, and appreciation of the contributions that all individuals make to the university,” according to the anti-discrimination’s resolution.

Schilletter University Village representative Phil Hernandez read the resolution to the senate and expressed his gratitude to those who contributed in writing it.

“We have done our homework, and we have found concrete rationale for this commission in the student body, in our governing documents and in the administrations governing documents,” Hernandez said.

Hernandez also said the resolution was made in direct response to the incidents that took place this summer, referring to the sexually and racially derogatory graffiti that was found around campus in early July.

“We are taking action, being proactive and are not just putting a bill out there,” he said. “We are asking for some results.”

Hernandez also said it is not the goal of the commission to develop a code of conduct for students, but rather to reach out across the campus to develop a statement of intention.

“We are a broad community coming together for the purpose of teaching, research and service,” Hernandez said.

Groh also spoke briefly about Veishea, saying the Veishea Task Force established in the wake of the 2004 riot recommended to get a broader base of support for representation in the Veishea organization.