LETTER: True Libertarians not found at Iowa State

Personal responsibility. An oft-repeated rallying cry of the libertarian cause. One must take responsibility for achieving their own ends and not rely on handouts. An interesting system of their larger problem, the Libertarians won’t have a table at ClubFest this semester because the party of personal responsibility wasn’t responsible enough to book a table in advance. If they do get a table now, it will be entirely because of the handouts of others – a form of organizational welfare, if you will. Can they really call themselves “America’s Way Forward” when they can’t see three weeks past themselves?

But that’s OK, after all, if they were real Libertarians and not impostors and fakes, they wouldn’t want to use the facilities purchased with a great deal of money stolen by the government through taxation, such as the ISU campus, anyway. After all, using such material would be completely contrary to their ideology. That is why you will never see a real libertarian at Iowa State.

Dennis Martin

