GSB president is named one of Glamour magazine’s top 10 college women

Katie Schmitt

Angela Groh, president of the Government of the Student Body, now has another award to hang on her wall.

Groh was named one of Glamour magazine’s Top 10 American College Women, the second time an ISU student has been honored in the competition.

Groh, senior in political science, was chosen for her leadership and accomplishments.

“She’s already achieved quite a bit for someone her age,” said Susan Goodall, Glamour’s executive managing editor. “It’s a big school to win student body president.”

Goodall said the women who are honored excel in more than one area, including leadership.

They have also created changes that not only benefit their peers, but changes that benefit their community.

“We were really impressed by her,” Goodall said. “She had a great academic background and is expected to go on to do great things.”

Groh was honored at an award session in New York, where she met the other women chosen for the list.

“I was very honored,” Groh said. “The experience was amazing. It was very empowering but at the same time humbling, because I had the chance to meet the other nine women and they were all just amazing.”

Goodall said the opportunity to go to New York was so the women could meet and have a chance to network.

Groh said she isn’t sure why she was chosen, but she credits her wide variety of leadership experiences, which include teaching senior citizens how to use computers.

“It’s hard to say,” she said. “The wide variety of activities I am involved in was probably a contributing factor.”

Growing up in Thornton, Iowa, Groh was very involved in her high school, serving as student council president, captain of the cheerleading squad and homecoming queen.

She led an initiative to mandate that the Iowa Board of Education include a high school student.

Her idea has now become a state law.

Groh will be featured in Glamour’s October issue.