LETTER: Dangerous Curves is a threat to society

Hasn’t this world gotten any better in the last 50 years? I am disgusted with the way men still think about women. This needs to stop and it needs to stop now.

First of all, this kind of establishment should not be allowed in Campustown. When college women come out of the bars on a weekend night they are not going to want to have older men cat-calling and sexually harassing them.

Working at Dangerous Curves does not give women more confidence; it just shows that men believe that they can still degrade women and treat them as second class citizens. Women should recognize this and not subject themselves to this kind of atmosphere.

Women should not be on display in this world. This is supposed to be a modern society and everyone needs to learn to respect women.

I hope the women that work at this establishment realize the men that come to see them are not there to give them self-confidence or self-worth; they are there to slobber all over the girls because they think they are only good for sexual enjoyment.

Jamie Scott


Political Science