LETTER: Daily coverage and news ideas are poor

In two short years, the Iowa State Daily has gone from a respectable college newspaper to a complete mockery of journalism. Your insistence on reporting on the most brain-numbing events (piercing, tattoos, beer bongs, actors) totally blows my mind. Even the stuff you borrow from the Associated Press usually stinks! You publish the exact same articles every week about our football team, and your editorials and viewpoints are insanely unintelligent.

Twice a week, you craft articles applauding ISU faculty, students and police for their cooperation in bringing back Veishea. Then you spend three paragraphs explaining what happened at Veishea 2004. We already know what happened! Stop talking about it!

You continue to berate the Bush administration by simply repeating exactly what you see on TV every day. I wonder if the Daily would have anything nice to say if John Kerry had won the election. Your political coverage only caters to the extremists on either side of the political scale. You offer blatant accusations upon the U.S. executive branch without insightful analysis. Savvy journalism, indeed. How about a creative new angle? “Lessons of Sept. 11 weren’t learned.” Give me a break. Constitution Day. Are you kidding me? I think I speak for the entire ISU community when I say quit disappointing us with mindlessly narrow articles.

On Sept. 1, you editorialized about student apathy, suggesting that Daily Editorials were pointless because they have not led to any change in student involvement, political or otherwise. I was pleased to read that concession, and strongly suggest you take your own advice.

No one cares what you say. Quit wasting paper.

Alex Zikra


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